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Is a Post Graduation Important in today’s times?

Is a Post Graduation Important in today’s times?


Opting for a higher education after your undergrad is beneficial for few and not needed for others. A post graduation is recommended when you want to gain deeper insights on the subject matter for personal or professional needs or when it is a demand of the industry you want to pursue your career.

Though post-graduation has lost it’s charm today , it would not close down as various articles suggest, but however, a lot of colleges will start shifting their focus to Diploma’s.

Below are the reasons to take up and avoid post graduation. Read them before making up an opinion.


    • Getting into the skin of a field

Post-graduation degree often offers an advantage of understanding the subject and the field more deeply. A Masters program helps you in analyzing and visualizing concepts from various angles, experimenting with different thoughts and options and unlimited activities. All these will provide a deeper understanding of the field you are pursuing post graduation. Infact, a lot of post-graduation programmes often offer insights from experts in the field and cross-country exchanges that gives an impeccable advantage and learning experience which you may not get ever after post-grad.

    • Get hired!

The chances of getting hired after post graduation is a lot higher than a normal graduation degree. Infact post-graduation boosts both your employability (i.e., your chances of getting hired) and your base pay scale (we already know now what base pay is, right?)

There are certain sectors where it is compulsory to have a post-graduation to get a job. If you are planning to apply for such jobs, then yes post-graduation will help


  • The fees

Most of the post-graduation comes with hefty fees for which you may have to even take educational loans. Before pursuing a degree clearly think over whether you are obtaining significant output from the degree, and whether it would make you something better

  • Losing out

The job market would be flooded with graduates and you will see all your friends taking up jobs at various places and starting their income. This will provide an emotional resistance of missing out on things that your friends are getting. Also, you will loose out on experiences which you may be able to compensate if you are pursuing degree from a reputed university and if you are really learning things in your post-grad. If you are pursuing it just as any other graduate degree, I would say think twice.

  • Special note for post-graduation outside India:

Certain students also plan and take up post-graduation outside India. While, definitely it will mould you and make you better as a person, you will have to study the university, its degree and it’s relevant in India. There are many institutes where the degree may not be of help in India as it would not be recognized. In that case, it should not be a devastation for you after working hard and paying huge money.

  • Has lost the charm:

 The importance of a Master degree is fading out. Today, the initial salary of a undergrad and a postgrad student is almost similar, unless the post graduation is completed from a very renowned college. So before you decide to go for Masters, first understand if your industry of career demands one or no


In terms of post-graduation, it would be great if you are getting it from a college and university renowned and respected across sectors. For instance, if you are planning to pursue it from the best like IIM, don’t even have second thoughts and go for it. If it is not so, then your degree might not really lead you anywhere.

To be all honest, I’ve seen certain people do post-grad to ensure their marriage gets delayed, that is a personal choice and with all respect if that’s the option you have chosen, so be it.

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